Thursday, 9 January 2014

Trying to Understand Things Around Me

Reasons for being away.

1. I was preparing for interviews, clearances, presentations, completion of thesis work, etc.
2. During my last month of varied activities there were so many enlightening facts that came to my mind, some of them are listed below: (others can only be felt and not expressed in words. The day I find words for them, I will type them.)

a. Phubbing (new term)- trying to avoid people by fiddling with your mobile phone and pretending you were busy or you did not notice them.

b. I read Mini Mathur' s thought expressing her feelings when people are paid peanuts. She said that, "If you pay peanuts then you can employ monkeys only." (funny to read, intelligently quoted, I feel.)
Well! now that it is coming on me (I am picking up a job over and above all my responsibilities, for peanuts.) I really wonder that because I am a monkey, so I am picking-up a job for peanuts or because I am getting peanuts so I am a monkey.

I thought and I found out that the quote should have been- ""If you pay peanuts then you can employ monkeys or needy."

c. Why are people not paid according to the pre-decided pay scale even though they should be when they satisfy all criteria for the job? Why do all organizations exploit employees, the bigger the organization the more is the exploitation? Are they bigger because they exploit more or because they exploit more they become bigger? (I am trying to read Chanakya and trying to understand the facts about these statements. I will write back once I finish my search. Meanwhile, if you have something to say then please write back.)

- Though the thoughts are not too encouraging, I still believe that those who want to see the brighter side of life, they can only see it. I will find the brighter side and share it with everybody. Till then, have good days.