Swings and Slides
I sometimes wonder that which part of kids' brain, which feeling of adventure or what exactly makes kids so excited to go and play with slides, swings, jungle ladder, etc. They are so happy to be running around with their friends.
Parents understand this excitement of kids and so they judge a park or even a school which invests carefully in the quality of play area and equipment. But, still looking at some carefully designed schools and costly play hardware, I realize that those who do not plan the play area properly cannot do justice to the leisure time of the kids. Merely buying costly stuff is not enough but proper implementation of a pricey idea leads to desired results.
(This image has randomly been picked-up from google images. The Url is http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/1223774373/Free-shipping-Large-scale-font-b-outdoor-b-font-plastic-toy-swing-slide-indoor-font-b.jpg)
1. I wonder which feeling of adventure, physical activities or just the feeling of developing their muscles gets them so excited that they can give up their sleep to go to park, swings and slides?
2. Why does this affinity towards physical activities lays-off after the kids grow-up a little more (say in their teens)? (Approximately, till about 12 years of age, I have seen kids enjoying the slides and swings) Do they outgrow the swings? Does that feeling of adventure becomes less strong? Do they get diverted to other activities that do not want to swing anymore?
If you have an answer to this question please let me know through email or write a comment, post below.